Tuesday, 17 November 2009

my rants about ignorent people

in a ranting mood today okay, well i been reading the papers and comments again and it's really annoyed me that people ashume that people who are unemployed or single parents are all the same. I was reading the article about a lady called rebecca who had left her kids alone whilst she went out taking drugs and drinking and her house was in a state and everything it was a very sad story . well anyway the comments on there seemed to be the working class ashuming that all people unemployed behave in this way and only have kids for money. I know many people who are unemployed who love their kids too bits and would even go without themselves for their kids and i'm one of these people. It annoys me that people make asshumptions and steriotype people in this manner. also for single parents who athe dads walked out on the dad/sperm donner doesn't get any mention almost like yeah its okay for the dad to walk on on the child but no its not okay for the mum to claim benefits, they should dump the kid in childcare from birth and go to work... which too me is stupid. also its not considers that some of these unemployed people may have little or no confidence and self esteem. a big problem for myself. they may have been badly bullied in school and not gained any qualifications or even been given the chance to gain qualifacations. so for all those who moan that their tax money goes to unemployed people i hope that you never have to find out how hard it can be to be unemployed, how hard it can be to find work and how it can break your confidence going to interveiw after interveiw and not getting a job. and thats all for now.

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